Advertisement No. 02/2021 for the post of Jr. Secretariat Assistant (Gen./F&A/S&P)
Additional Information: Date of commencement of online applications: 05-04-2021
Last date for submission of online applications: 05-05-2021
Last date for receipt of hard copy of applications: 17-05-202
CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad invites online Applications from Indian Nationals for the following Administrative posts.
Name of the Post: Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen.)
No. of Posts & Reservation status:04 [UR:01, EWS: 01,OBC:01, SC:01]
Pay Matrix Level:Pay Matrix Level-2,Cell-1
Total EmolumentsRs. 30,263/-
Upper Age Limit(As on last date of receipt of hardcopy of applications):28 years
Name of the Post: Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A)
No. of Posts & Reservation status:01[OBC:01]
Pay Matrix Level:Pay Matrix Level-2,Cell-1
Total EmolumentsRs. 30,263/-
Upper Age Limit(As on last date of receipt of hardcopy of applications):28 years
Total emoluments on minimum of scale including HRA applicable to ‘X’ city, DA, TA etc.
Please see age relaxation under Relaxation Column.
Abbreviations used:
UR - Unreserved,
EWS - Economically Weaker Section,
OBC - Other Backward Classes,
SC - Scheduled Caste